Transcript Order Form

Vermont Transcript Online Order Form 638


Prior to submitting a transcript order, you need to obtain the essential information about your case by requesting the docket sheet/s in the case from the trial court.

FOR SUPREME COURT APPEALS (including Bail Hearings)

You must order all transcripts necessary for appellate review within 14 days of the filing of the notice of appeal. (See V.R.A.P. 10 for further instruction on appellate procedures & 10 (c) for video-recorded proceedings.) Failure to properly order the transcript or pay the appropriate deposit may result in dismissal of your Supreme Court Appeal. In forma paupers appellants or cross-appellants may be eligible to have the transcript requirement waived or paid for pro bono. See Rule 10(b)(8) & (9).

Please check here if the transcript that you are ordering is for an appeal: No   Yes

Deposit Payment

I am paying the deposit for the transcript
I have an eScribers client code
No deposit payable, bill to Office of the Defender General
No deposit payable, bill to State's Attorneys Office
No deposit payable, bill to Attorney General's Office
No deposit payable, bill to Office of the Attorney General - Department for Children & Families
No deposit payable, bill to Vermont Department of Taxes
No deposit payable, bill to Vermont Legal Aid. To check this button you must first enter your valid VT Legal Aid email address here:
No deposit payable, bill to Vermont Labor Relations Board

Please enter the following details:

Please indicate the name of the person at the Office of the Defender General who can confirm that they are paying for the transcript.

Please indicate the name of the person at the State Attorney's office who can confirm that they are paying for the transcript.

Please indicate the department of the Attorney General's Office who can confirm that they are paying for the transcript.

Please select your name from the list below, if you are not in the list, please contact Holli Johnson.

Turnaround time and additional copies

Please select whether you would like a printed copy in addition to the digital copy and the required transcript turnaround time: *

PDF sent by email
PDF by email + Printed Copy
Please indicate here if you would like a media (audio) copy ($30 per hearing date)

PLEASE NOTE: Copies can be made of digital recordings only. We cannot copy hearings that are on cassette tapes.

I prefer to receive a link by email to download the audio
I prefer to receive a CD/DVD in the mail
The total transcript charge will be based on the following: Total number of pages * rate per page, less the deposit paid.
Turnaround TimeRate Per Page
PDF by emailPDF + Printed Copy
1 Business Day$8.10$9.00
3 Business Days$6.20$7.10
7 Days$4.85$5.75
14 Days$4.30$5.20
30 Days$3.40$4.30

NOTE: turnaround times are based on when we receive the audio from the court. The method of audio transmission varies by court. We will do our best to obtain the audio as quickly as possible so that we can begin work on this assignment right away.

Additional copies can be ordered at a later date for $1.00 per page.
Contact us at

Click here if you would like a word index added to the transcript:
(This is an index of key words in the transcript listed with their page and line number and available at the same per-page rates as the transcript that you are ordering.)

Ordering Party Details

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Court Location

Court Type

Case Details

Please check this box if this is a JUVENILE case:
Please include ALL juvenile (siblings) initials that are involved in the hearing requested. (Example In Re: J.B., T.B., C.B.)

Please include the FULL NAMES including first and last names

Full Plaintiff Name *
(not required for juvenile cases) (or enter "State of Vermont" if a criminal proceeding)
Full Defendant Name *
(for juvenile cases enter initials only)

Please indicate FULL docket number(s) when filling out the form, including any zeros. (Example 22-CR-00001)
Please indicate ALL docket numbers involved in a hearing typed in full. (Example 22-JV-01234, 22-JV-01235, 22-JV-01236).
Hearing Date *Docket Number *Court RoomJudge's Name *
(first and last)
Type of Hearing *Estimated Minutes *
Add another hearing date   |   Remove last hearing date

Special Instructions

A deposit is payable on this order.
Click below to place your order.
Please be patient. This may take a while. Do not click more than once.